Head of Exam Unit
Senior Assistant RegistrarRashidi
+605 374 2021
Mr. Rashidi Hamzah focuses more on the operation aspects of the Academic Affairs Office. He is directly responsible to the Examinations Unit that manages the requirement of exam question papers for Seri Iskandar and Tapah Campus as well as the Kolej Felcra as an affiliated college. His focus of pre, during and post examination operations are assisted by Mr. Ahmad Ridhuan Mohd Khalit as the Assistant Publication Officer. The Examination Unit has a number of support staff which includes two Senior Clerks, Mr. Azmi Mat Saleh and Ms. Noreishah Hashim as well as two clerks namely Mrs. Nurul Asma Ahmad Khalil and Mr. Azman Abdul Ghani. This unit also incorporates two Senior Publication Assistant, Mr. Nordin Mat Taib and Mr. Mohd. Sani.
The Academic Affairs Office is also the secretariat to the Jawatankuasa Akademik Negeri (JAN) which acts like the Senate for a university. Nowadays, the Academic Affairs Office is also responsible for the preparation and planning of new programs, academic quality assurance, accreditations and professional bodies’ recognitions as well as academic governance regarding autonomous campus.