Head of Office of International Affair

Liaison Officer of International AffairsTS DR NUR FAIZAH MOHD
+605 374 2669
This unit serves as the platform for International Relations, Promotion, Staff Exchange and International Student Support Centre. In addition, our aim is to provide the most conducive environment for international students during their study in UiTM and we strive to assist our international students at all times. Furthermore, the functions include but is not limited to :
- Initiate and facilitate bilateral and multilateral linkages and partnership with renowned institutions worldwide.
- Provide a platform to support UiTM's mobility programs for students and staff, research collaborations and other academic initiatives in partnership with institutions worldwide.
- Facilitate and monitor all activities conducted as per the MOU or MOA with international partners.
- Compile and update UiTM's data depository of MOUs and MOAs with international partners
- Support coherent corporate strategy to enhance UiTM's international relations and expand its global profile to meet the demands of a dynamic academia industry
- Advice issues pertaining to visa application, immigration and other relevant documentation, students’ safety, university and non residential accommodation, culture adaptation and other issues of common concern to international students
- Facilitates student mobility programs, both inbound and outbound via the university’s partnership with leading institutions worldwide.
- Facilitate language proficiency, if deemed necessary through the UiTM language centre
- International student counsellor is available to assist international students adapt physically and emotionally to the new cultural environment. Various programs are conducted for international students to adapt to the Malaysian environment and ensure an enjoyable, safe, and memorable experience. UiTM’s rich cultural heritage will mesmerized international student for a once in a lifetime experience.