About Us
Auxiliary Police Office UiTM Perak Branch, Tapah Campus for the First Phase has started operations on 23 October 2010 led by an Assistant Security Officer with a Senior Security Guard and 5 Security Guards. Everything is on loan from Seri Iskandar Campus;
- Tn. Samsul Hadi Bin Mohd Ramli
- KP14 Abdul Khiardh Bin Yahya
- KP11 Hairul Anuar Bin Baharuddin
- KP11 Mohd Faizal Bin Zabidi
- KP11 Khairul Idzwan Shah Bin Kamal Bashah
- KP11 Mohd Hakimi Bin Hamdan
- KP11 Norfajillah Binti Junit
01 December 2010 Senior Asistant Security Officer Tn. Mohd Zaini Bin Amirudin from UiTM Terengganu Branch, Dungun Campus reported and headed the Auxiliary Police Office. On 16 January 2011, Security Assistant En. Khairul Jawahir Bin Haji Ahmad Jahari reported himself.
On 01 May 2014 Security Officer Tn. Norkhairi Bin Awang Nor from Seri Iskandar Campus reported himself and headed the Auxiliary Police Office.
On 01 June 2016 Assistant Security Officer Tn. Adrusham Bin Che Lah from Seri Iskandar Campus reported himself followed by Senior Assistant Security Officer Tn. Shahrul Nizam Bin Mohd Azba on 16 November 2016.
The total staff of the Auxiliary Police Office is now 20 staffs with 3 officers and 17 low-ranking members.
- Mission And Vision
- Customers Charter
- Organizational Chart
To enhance Bumiputera’s knowledge and expertise in all fields through the delivery of professional research programmes as well as community service involvement based on noble values and professionalism.
To make UiTM a superior university based on scholarship and academic excellence to lead Bumiputera dynamism in all world-class professional fields so that competitive, global and ethical graduates are born.
- To implement systematic and continuous security control.
- To enforce laws and regulations responsibly and proactively against the community of the university.
- To provide efficient and effective security management services.
- To manage the Auxiliary Police Office to become a professional organization with integrity and accountability.