- Vision and Mission
- Objective and Quality Policy
- Client Charter
- Organizational Chart
- Directory
- Download Centre
To establish UiTM as a Globally Renowned University of Science, Technology, Humanities and Entrepreneurship.
To lead the development of agile, professional Bumiputera through state-of-the-art curricula and impactful research.
- To sustain organisational excellence through effective and efficient governance
- To offer competitive academic programs that fulfill market needs, spearhead national development, and promote global prosperity
- To produce well-balanced, entrepreneurial graduates who are globally competent
- To enhance students' appreciation of the noble values through the university's strengthening program.
- To champion impactful research through a stronger research ecosystem
For all UiTM customers:
- Students
- Staff
- Parents
- Industry
- Stakeholders
We offer quality, ethical, and integrity services and promise that:
All basic learning, teaching, research, and environment facilities meet the requirements of MQA, MOHE, and professional bodies;
- All academic programs are approved, managed, and administered by University rules and procedures;
- All academic qualifications are recognized by the government and meet the requirements of industry and relevant professional bodies;
- All graduations are awarded within the stipulated period after fulfilling all the conditions;
- All outstanding achievements are identified and awarded annually;
- All formal suggestions and complaints are acted upon within one week;
- Always ready to serve the community and;
- Always provide friendly and professional service.
UiTM will provide services by the client`s charter as practiced by the Faculty Responsibility Centre, State Campus, Division, Institute, Centre, and Unit.
Customer Responsibilities:
To enable UiTM to implement this Charter efficiently and effectively, we request that the Customer:
- Understand all customer rights in this charter.
- Comply with all laws, instructions, regulations, and relevant guidelines.
- Use the facilities provided responsibly.