About Us
UiTM Perak Branch Tapah Campus began its first phase on December 1st, 2010. Upon the first phase’s completion, the campus had two units, namely the Administration, and the Academic Office. At that time, the Student Residence College only had six building blocks. As the second phase began on April 16th, 2014, the current accommodation can house up to 5,000 students.
A total of RM 47.3 million has been allocated for the physical development of UiTM Perak Branch Tapah Campus under the 9th Malaysia Plan (9MP). It covers the development of basic needs for administrative and academic buildings, residential colleges, library, and infrastructures.
The Administration Division is governed by a Senior Assistant Registrar, and assisted by 15 executive staffs.
The Administration Division executes 12 main tasks that are merged into four units:
i) Human Resource Management,
ii) General Administration,
iii) Transportation Management, and
iv) Secretariat
- Mission And Vision
- Customers Charter
- Organizational Chart
To equip the necessary human resources and the latest infrastructure facilities in UiTM Perak branch which comply with the values and ethics of professionalism.
To be the administrative center of outstanding services and professionals in UiTM Perak branch, so as to realize the mission and vision of UiTM.
- To provide qualified UiTM staff based on effective service schemes.
- To enhance competency among UiTM staff through training and guman resource development programmes.
- To manage the affairs and services of UiTM staff in accordance with the policies and rules of UiTM and government of Malaysia.
- To maintain accurate and updated records of UiTM's students and graduates.
- To maintain efficiently UiTM's records for easy reference.
- To provide customer friendly support services to UiTM Shah Alam